Environmentally Sustainable Practices & Goals.

Through its innovative approach the Castello Beach Hotel is the pioneer in terms of environmentally sound and sustainable hotel management in the Seychelles.

We recognize our responsibility for reducing the environmental impact of our property through the following practices:

  • Energy reduction and generation – use of solar panels to produce our own power and the introduction of property-wide efficient LED lighting
  • Water reduction – property-wide water recycling where possible
  • Cleaning Supplies – environmentally sustainable
  • Recycled paper – property-wide printing
  • Linen and towel reuse program
  • Recycling – glass, bottle, paper, cardboard, plastic
  • Waste reduction
  • Purchasing – consumable paper products in bulk purchasing to reduce deliveries
  • Preserve the character of the natural environment by utilizing sustainable landscaping techniques that incorporate local species
  • Educate and inspire staff members and guests to conserve and preserve

Further goals include:

To measure and control greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and implement procedures to reduce and offset them as a way to help reduce global warming.
To introduce an electronic energy management system per room.
